The following section will show you some examples as well as explanations on the main function for Hermes-Five.
Up-to-date and more detailed and numerous examples can be found in the repository examples folder.
Various Hardware
- board/ Shows how to instantiate a simple board using various protocols / transports layer.
- board/ Shows how to react to board events.
- board/ Shows how to access and control the hardware associated with a board: low level style!
Generic devices
- output/ Demonstrates how to control a digital output pin, regardless of the device type associated with it.
- output/ Demonstrates how to control a pwm output pin, regardless of the device type associated with it.
- sensors/ Demonstrates how to use a digital input pin to get a digital sensor type data.
- sensors/ Demonstrates how to use an analog input pin to get an analog sensor type data.
Various devices
- led/ Demonstrates how to turn on/off a simple led.
- led/ Demonstrates how to use a simple led with control over its brightness (requires a pwm pin).
- led/ Demonstrates how to blink a simple led.
- led/ Demonstrates how to pulse a simple led (requires a pwm pin).
- led/ Demonstrates how to animate a led state.
- servo/ Demonstrates how to use and control a servo.
- servo/ Demonstrates how to loop sweep a servo in a given range of motion.
- servo/ Demonstrates how to move a servo in an animated way (control of speed).
- servo/ Demonstrates how to move a servo via a PWM-driver like PCA9685.
- button/ Demonstrates how to register a push button and retrieve its state using events.
- button/ Demonstrates how to use a pullup type push button input device.
- button/ Demonstrates how to use 'inverted' push buttons.
- animation/ Demonstrates how to create and run a complex animation (with multiple devices, parts, repeating parts, etc.).
- animation/ Demonstrates how to create multiple animations and run them at the same time.